I couldn’t do anything but look carefully at that transparent glass container through which the recently ground coffee and hot water were intermingling, merging into a single substance that I was already dying to taste; The odorous vapor that was released perfectly permeated every corner of my nose; In the background I could hear a voice talking about the history of the method and how the barista had to carefully weigh the exact weight so that the infusion was perfect; also that the creators of this unique place in Bogotá were baristas; Café del Mercado (this café where our guide in Bogotá had brought us to really know if Colombia drinks the best coffee or everything good is exported as they always say); Also, Lorena and Sebastián (the creators of the place) were passionate about what they did and that they had met at a coffee competition or something like that, I overheard; while the coffee was forming little by little in that jug, draining smoothly and harmoniously through that yellow porcelain part with somewhat extravagant symmetrical folds that honored the name of the method that the coffee artists were using; Origami. The space that still remained in the glass cup was slowly filled with that liquid tradition, in order to have enough of the black drink, so that everyone on the best walking tour of Bogota Colombia; We could taste and thus get closer, even a little, to the perfection of the best coffee in Colombia.
By. Fredy Calderon