Skyler looked around at everyone with a mischievous smile that, after a few hours, we all had learned meant she was about to do something bold. She rose carefully from her seat on the old leather sofa. The white line grew longer and longer from her mouth to the cup. Everyone watched her in hushed suspense. It was almost like an artistic circus performance.
One thing was for sure, none of us had ever had the opportunity to do something like this before taking this walking tour in Bogotá. Even the Latinos in the group looked dazzled; suddenly, Jorge, the Brazilian, began his ascent at a much slower pace, trying to catch up with Skylar Night. That was the name of the Dutchwoman. Little by little we all started out on our own journey. I myself, always easily excitable, started out too fast and quickly saw defeat. I watched the white elastic line fall back down with a soft splat.
Some of our group seemed to have innate skills in the subject. For example, María the Chilean was dancing from one side to the other without her line falling apart. In fact it seemed to help it to lengthen faster and in the blink of an eye it was already one of the ones in the lead or Caleb the Norwegian dared to jump, then gave a smug smirk when his line didn’t break.
Santiago the Barista, who enjoyed everything, dared to give some rules:
—You’re not allowed to grab with your hands and definitely no starting over.. —Said—
Our guide, Juan Felip, heard some chanting and turned around to see several people passing by the window offering encouragement. They sang, whistled, and called out:
—Come on, come on!
—That’s how we Colombians are, we find fun in everything—, —Felipe explained—.
One by one, the lines fell, and you could see the disappointment in each owner’s face. Out of a group of 11 people who were on this walking tour in Bogotá, only three were still standing, with their eyes on the guide Felipe and the barista Santiago, who were confirmed as the judges.
—The Dutch woman wins! —Santiago announced—
The longest line was that of the Dutchwoman, it was to be expected since she was the tallest of all.
Skylar Night opened her mouth, the line of melted cheese plummeting quickly but harmoniously over the big cup of hot chocolate, as all the Colombians shouted:
—Long live the queen of chocolate with cheese!
By. Fredy Calderon
Edited in English by. D’ette marceaux